Supercritical CO2 extraction allows the isolation of a wide range of high-quality components from various types of raw materials. The versatility of this technique entails a multitude of parameters that need to be investigated and optimised.
The platform focuses on the extraction of high-value components from waste and by-product streams. Both research groups join forces by offering their specialised and complementary equipment for supercritical CO2 extraction and chemical analysis to companies.
We offer four levels of cooperation.
1 Exploratory research
Determine which components can be extracted from the biomass (qualitative research on a laboratory scale).
2 Process optimisation
Development of an optimised extraction process or translation of an existing extraction process into supercritical CO2 extraction.
3 Application Development
Mapping the applications of the extract, talking to potential customers of the extracts with the goal to introduce them to the market.
4 Proof-of-concept
Scaling up of the process, production of larger quantities of extract and study of the economic feasibility.
Would you like to work with us?
Let us know via our
contact page.
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